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مانجا ون بيس فصل 614

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قديم 02-09-2011, 09:07 PM
الصورة الرمزية Al Balushi  
رقـم العضويــة: 33746
تاريخ التسجيل: Sep 2009
المشـــاركـات: 2,829
نقـــاط الخبـرة: 257
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افتراضي مانجا ون بيس فصل 614

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله ~

قوانين فصل السبويلر [ هُنا ] ~

تهربت النسخه او السبويلر فصل ون بيس 614

وننتظر الصور

irst part(Now, this isn’t verified fully yet, but since it matches T’s verification, I’m gonna trust it for now. And it sounds so much like Oda)
Chapter 614: What’s done is done
Cover art: From the deck of the world vol.2 “Fuusha village”
Makino is cuddling a child
Usopp: Alright, you over did it!!
Brook: That’s correct!! You need to repent!
Zoro: YOU guys started the fight! You’re all in this together!
Usopp: We were just gonna intimidate them and run!
Nami: I was just enjoying sight seeing and shopping…
Zoro: What’s done is done!! Stop yapping!!
Neptune and other mermen are all tied up
Neptune: Owww……
Usopp: No, this isn’t just gonna be overlooked like that!! What kind of terrible pirates would “accidently” take over the Ryuuguu Palace!?
Zoro: Then are you saying we should have just lost to them!?
Usopp: I’ve been saying this over and over, that we need to find the right timing to RUN!
Zoro: We don’t know how to get out of here, and Luffy isn’t here!
Usopp: Yeah, that’s right!! Where the hell is Luffy!?
Camie: Oh…my… god..
Pappag: I can’t believe you guys
Nami: We’re really in a hurry, so don’t tease us and tell us!
Usopp: Yeah, where is Luffy…
Nami: Where is the treasury?
Usop: STOOOPP THAT!!!!!!
Nami: Eh…. how come? (innocent eyes)
Usopp: Stop acting so innocent! Be a little more prudent!!
Brook: Alright, when times are tough, lets sing and be happy! Come on!
Usopp: And you shut up too, Soul King!!
Right minister: Neptune your highness, are you alright…?
I can’t believe the Knigth of the sea King Neptune ends up like this…
Neptune: Muuun….. My bad back hurts too much to fight… boy am I getting old for this.
I failed…sorry!
Right minister: When Prince ***aboshi, Ryuuboshi, and Manboshi, the three greatest warriors of the Neptune army return… don’t you think you’ll get away in one piece!!
If we fill the castle with water, they wouldnt’ have stood a chance… but all the water got drained!
Zoro: Anyways, we can’t stay on Fishman Island anymore. Where is Sunny? We need to gather up and head out right away
Usopp: But the coating on Sunny came off when we rammed into this island!?
Nami: And the Log Pose is acting up the whole time!! Ever since we got here, it doesn’t look like it’s locking on…
Left minister: I can’t believe this… a simple pose like that won’t let you sail through the New WOrld, you cleless pirates…!
Nami: What? This doesn’t work? What do you mean?
Left minister: If you let me free of my bindings, I’ll tell you
Nami: Hmmm…
next part
Ring!! Ring!!! (doorbell ringing)
Right minister: A-Hah!! That must be Prince ***aboshi!
Zoro: Yes, who is it?
***aboshi: It’s me ***aboshi!! What is happening on that side!?
Please drop down the gate pass and open the main gates and the royal gate to the palace!!
Zoro: What happens when I open them? No, that’s not happening.
Usopp: Hey!!! What the hell are you saying!? Just tell them what happened honestly!
Pappag: Yeah!! I mean, can you tie me and Camie up too!? We’ll be labeled accomplices otherwise!
Camie: Zoro-chin you’re scary….
***aboshi: Which one of the Straw Hat pirates are you?
Neptune: ***aboshi!! He is the three-swords style swordsman of Straw Hat Pirates with the bounty of 160 million berries!! And his name is Zori!!
Zoro: It’s ZORO!!
***aboshi: Father!
Zoro: As you heard, we have Neptune and many other hostages
If you value their lives, get us ready to sail!!
What we need is our ship Thousand Sunny with coating done, and the other crew.
A pitch darkness woman, a robot, a racoon dog, and some perverted kappa.
***aboshi: I understand your demands… I’ll make sure you and your crew will sail from this island swiftly.
But you must promise me to hand over all the hostages safely!!
Bur first, one thing Zoro….
Zoro: hm?
***aboshi: I didn’t wish to give you this message in a situation like this but… I must honor Jinbe’s wishes.
“From the former Warlord Jinbe to Straw Hat Luffy”
I was told to give you two messages once you arrived.
Neptune: Jinbe…
Usopp: Oh yeah, he said… he’s friends with Jinbe!
Camie: He’s a pirate, but his a great man so well respected on this island!
Zoro: Luffy isn’t here, but I’ll tell him… Say it.
***aboshi: First one is…. don’t fight Hodi. And the next is! He’ll be waiting for him at the Forest of Sea!
These are the two messages.
Zoro: Forest of Sea? Hodi?
Oda’s lines are so distinctly awesome that no one can fake it.
third part, and yes more to come
Fishman Island Coral Hill (Sango-hill)
Mermaid: They’ve really done it!! The Straw Hat pirates took over the Ryuugu Palace!!
What are they after!?
Mermaid: I can’t believe it… they looked like good people…
They must be the ones fortold in the fortune, and kidnapped the mermaids at the inlet as well!
Everything’s happening like it was fortold!! Man, they’ve really shown their true colors now!
Apparently some of their crewmate is in the backroom of the Mermaid Cafe!! The guards went for them right now!!
Chopper: Kung-fu Point!! Hai!! Haii!! Whoachaaa!!! (Kung-fu cries)
Get out of the way!! Whoaaah!! Sanji is just getting over his sickness!! Don’t lay a hand on him!!
Guards: What is this creature!? He transformed!!
Chopper: What’s with this “come to the Ryuugu Palace” crap!! I know you’re trying to catch us!!
Sanji: Hey you….
Chopper: Sanji! Don’t move yet!!
Sanji: That Ryuugu Palace place… is she there…?
Guards: ???
Sanji: I mean, the mermaid princess
Guards: Yes she is, what about it!!
Sanji: Ok then, I’m going
Chopper: You’re going!? Haven’t you had enough already!? If she’s beautiful, you’ll die!
Ryuugu Palace Hardshelled Tower (Koukaku-tower)
Luffy: Heey! What are you doing!! Let’s go outside!
Shirahoshi: But I can’t Luffy-sama!! That would be wrong…
Luffy: You said you wanted to go somewhere!! If you stay locked up in this place for 10 years you’ll go nuts!
Shirahoshi: But… if I acted so selfish… I’d cause trouble for so many people…
Luffy: So where do you want to go?
Shirahoshi: To the Forest of Sea… but that’s just my dream, to really go out there, I just can’t…. *sob*
Luffy: Why are you crying just saying where you want to go!?
Shirahoshi: I.. I’m sorry, I can barely bring the courage to say it… please don’t get mad at me…
Luffy: Gosh you’re so tiresome.
Shirahoshi: T–tire…some… me….
Luffy: Alright alright! I’m sorry!
Don! Dodon!!
Shirahoshi: Kya!!
Luffy: What’s with the huge noise!? Is he throwing something at us again!? Man, what a jerk
Neptune: What’s this!? What’s that sound!? Could it be Decken’s spears!? It’s coming from the Hardshelled Tower!!
Shirahoshi is in danger!!! Are the guards with her!?
Mermaid Guards: No, everyone’s captured here
Neptune: Hey you pirates!! Go make sure the princess is fine in place of the guards!
Zoro: Eh? What are you talking about
Neptune: The Hardshelled Tower is north east of the castle!! You go right now!!
Zoro: Why the hell is the hostage making demands!?
Neptune: Shut up!! Shirahoshi is my only daughter!! Due to circumstances, her life is in danger!!
If something happens to my daughter, I will chase you down to the end of the sea!!!
Brook: You mean the mermaid princess!! If that’s the case, I shall sprint to her rescue!!
And may I see her panties?
Left minister: Oh no!!! He’s running with a perverted motive!!!
Right minister: Wait up, Skeleton!! You don’t have to untie me, but take me with you!!
If something happens to the princess, I cannot bear to live another day!!
Brook: Ah, you like that too. (Brook mistakes his motive as wanting to see panties too lol)
Brook carries the minister and runs with him
(well, the Japanese way of saying the above is even if I die, I’d die with regrets, but the idea is the same)
Shirahoshi: I’ve always wanted to go to the Forest of Sea… all through out this 10 years… but I was told it’s dangerous outside the tower…
Everyone cautions me… and I was so afraid to leave for outside…
Luffy-sama, are you really going to take me outside?
Luffy: Yeah
Shirahoshi: And you will really protect me?
Luffy: Yeah, leave it up to me
Shirahoshi: Ueeeeenn *cries*
Luffy: Hey, if you’re gonna cry I won’t take you!
And to be honest you have to take me there, I can’t swim
Shirahoshi: I’m sorry, I’m just so happy…
Luffy: Man!! You’re such a crybaby!! And such a wimp!
But if we go outside, you’re so big they’ll notice you right away.. so I have a great plan!
Right minister: Hey you Skeleton! Look around the tower!
Brook: huh?
Right minister: Unbelievable…!! It’s not the usual knives and axes that came flying this time!!
They were the sounds of human pirates crashing into the tower!!! What insane act is this… how inhumane, Vander Decken!!!
Brook: Whaat!? Vander Decken!?
Right minister: They’re getting up!! This isn’t looking good… into this impenetrable Ryuuguu Palace!!! They managed to send in enemy footmen!!
This is a surprise attack!! The king’s life is in danger!! And the Princess is in danger!!
Luffy: It sounds like the attacks stopped. Alright, let’s go wimp!
Shirahoshi: Yes!! Please, Megalo!!
Luffy: Go Shark!!! To the Forest of Sea!!
Megalo jumps out of the door, holding Princess in his mouth
Brook: Huh!? Luffy-san!?
end of 614
T also commented that it looks like Megalo somehow got huge, as he’s carrying the princess in his mouth lol

Verification- Confirmed
・ジンべエの伝言 1、ホーディと闘うな 2、海の森へ
・チョッパー カンフーポイント
・ルフィ 人魚姫連れ出す
Zoro and others take over the Ryuugu palace
Jinbe’s message: 1. Do not fight Hodi 2. Head to the forst of the sea
Chopper’s new ball: Kung-fu Point
Luffy takes the Marmaid outside
Credits- Redon
Confirmed Japanese Script for Chapter 614
2 :名無しさんの次レスにご期待下さい:2011/02/09(水) 01:54:35 ID:h0Qi1Ihk0
ウソップ「しょうがねぇで済むか!魚人島に立ち寄ってうっかり竜宮城を占拠ってどんな極悪海賊 だよ!」
右大臣「ネプチューン様・・ご無事でしょうか!?」「まさか海の大騎士ネプチューン王がこの様 な・・・・・ 」
ネプチューン「むーーん・・・ギックリ腰が出ては戦いようもないし・・歳をとったな」「不覚じ ゃもん・・・ ・すまぬ!」
    「ぬう・・・城全体を水で埋めれば奴らに勝ち目などないものを・・逆にすべての水を抜 かされるとは 」
左大臣「かなわんわーそんな単純なポースでは新世界は渡れんぞ無知な海賊共め・・・」ナミ「え ?これじゃダ メなの?どういうこと?」
フカボシ「私です!フカボシです!そちらで何が起きているのですか!?」「今すぐに連絡廊を下 ろし総門と王 宮の御門を開けてください!」
ネプチューン「フカボシ!そやつは麦わらの一味の三刀流の剣士懸賞金1億6千万ベリー海賊狩り の」「ゾリじ ゃ!!!」
4 :名無しさんの次レスにご期待下さい:2011/02/09(水) 01:55:15 ID:h0Qi1Ihk0
人魚「やりやがった!海賊の麦わらの一味が竜宮城を占拠したって!!」「あいつらの目的はなん なんだ!!? 」
   「麦わらの仲間がマメーイドカフェの裏にいるらしい!!」「今警備隊が捕まえに行った! !」
ルフィ「行きたいトコあるって言ったろお前!こんなとこに10年も閉じ籠ってたらおれなら頭お かしくなるよ 」
しらほし「・・・けれど・・その様に勝手な事をしてしまいましたら・・お城の皆様に大変なご迷 惑を・・」
しらほし「・・・・・・・海の森・・・」「けれど・・それは夢で本当に外出する様な身勝手なこ とわたくしは ・・・うう・・」
しらほし「ご・・ご・・ごめんなさい勇気を振り絞りすぎて・・・「怒りにならないでくださいよ おお」
ネプチューン「ここは何だ!?」「何の音じゃもん!!?」「まさかデッケンの槍か硬殻塔の方じ ゃもん!しら ほしが危ない!衛兵はついておるのか!?」
ブルック「つまり人魚姫ということですね!!」「しからば私が馳せ参じて仕り候!!そしてパン ツ見せていた だいてもよろしいでしょうか!?」
5 :名無しさんの次レスにご期待下さい:2011/02/09(水) 01:55:56 ID:h0Qi1Ihk0
右大臣「またれいガイコツ!」「縛ったままで結構だ!!私も連れてってくれ!姫の身になにか起 きては私は死 んでも死にきれぬ!」
しらほし「海の森にずっと行きたかったのです・・」「10年間ずっと・・けれども塔の外は危険 だと・・」
ルフィ「おいおい泣くならつれてかねぇぞそれに正確に言うとお前がおれを連れてくんだおれは泳 げねぇから」
ルフィ「ホント泣き虫だなお前弱虫だし!」「でも外に出たらお前でっかくてみんなにすぐバレち まうからよ」
    「人間の海賊達が塔にぶつかる音だったのだ!!」「何たる奇行・・!人に非ず!バンダ ーデッケン! !」
    「まさか敵兵が送り込まれたというわけか!!」「これは奇襲だ王が危ない!!」「姫が 危ない!!! !」

~ ~ ~ ~

ترجمه بسيطة للأحداق سريعه مني .. آسف لـكن الوقت

لا يسعفني ..

اﻷحداث اللي حلصت هي

  • ما تم هو ما انتهي وقد قضي ..
  • مكاينو [ تولد أو تحتجز طفل مافهمتها .

  • زورو البقيه تبادلون السلطة مع ريو

  • رسالة جينبي لا تقاتل هودي ، وانتظرك في شجرة السحاب

  • شوبر هونفو بوينت [ ما فهمتها ]

  • لوفي يأخذ شيرهوي خارج القصر

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قديم 02-09-2011, 09:08 PM   #2
مُستشار قسم الأنمي
الصورة الرمزية Al Balushi
رقـم العضويــة: 33746
تاريخ التسجيل: Sep 2009
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افتراضي رد: مانجا ون بيس فصل 614

Al Balushi غير متواجد حالياً   رد مع اقتباس
قديم 02-09-2011, 09:08 PM   #3
مُستشار قسم الأنمي
الصورة الرمزية Al Balushi
رقـم العضويــة: 33746
تاريخ التسجيل: Sep 2009
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افتراضي رد: مانجا ون بيس فصل 614

المانجا إنجليزي مانجا ستريم مشاهدة مباشرة هُنا .

المانجا عربي للمشاهده هُنا ، للتحميل هُنا .
Al Balushi غير متواجد حالياً   رد مع اقتباس
قديم 02-09-2011, 09:08 PM   #4
مُستشار قسم الأنمي
الصورة الرمزية Al Balushi
رقـم العضويــة: 33746
تاريخ التسجيل: Sep 2009
المشـــاركـات: 2,829
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افتراضي رد: مانجا ون بيس فصل 614

صور ملونه ..

Al Balushi غير متواجد حالياً   رد مع اقتباس
قديم 02-09-2011, 11:37 PM   #5
مُستشار قسم الأنمي
الصورة الرمزية Al Balushi
رقـم العضويــة: 33746
تاريخ التسجيل: Sep 2009
المشـــاركـات: 2,829
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تم فتح الموضوع ..
Al Balushi غير متواجد حالياً   رد مع اقتباس
قديم 02-10-2011, 12:44 AM   #6
عاشق جديد
الصورة الرمزية مؤاسس عشيره الاوتشيها
رقـم العضويــة: 84875
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شكرا على الموضوع
مؤاسس عشيره الاوتشيها غير متواجد حالياً   رد مع اقتباس
قديم 02-10-2011, 02:07 AM   #7

الصورة الرمزية One_Piece
رقـم العضويــة: 65539
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شكرا علي الجهد الجبار منك كما هو متوقع من رئيسنا

تقبل مروري المتواضع



One_Piece غير متواجد حالياً   رد مع اقتباس
قديم 02-10-2011, 02:10 AM   #8
الصورة الرمزية Ӄᵿяᾅϰ ϓҹӃḯ
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Ӄᵿяᾅϰ ϓҹӃḯ غير متواجد حالياً   رد مع اقتباس
قديم 02-10-2011, 02:48 AM   #9
عاشق جديد
الصورة الرمزية Enter
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صدرت المانغا صديقي
Enter غير متواجد حالياً   رد مع اقتباس
قديم 02-10-2011, 03:21 AM   #10
عاشق جديد
الصورة الرمزية السماء البيضاء
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المواضيع المتشابهه للموضوع مانجا ون بيس فصل 614:
الموضوع كاتب الموضوع المنتدى مشاركات آخر مشاركة
مانجا ون بيس فصل 612 Al Balushi قسم المانجا المترجمة 9 01-29-2011 01:09 AM
مانجا ون بيس 595 Nechervan قسم المانجا المترجمة 5 09-21-2010 01:01 AM
ون بيس مانجا صالح الحربي قسم المانجا المترجمة 2 08-25-2010 04:33 AM
صور ون بيس مانجا صالح الحربي قسم المانجا المترجمة 1 08-23-2010 12:29 AM

الساعة الآن 08:19 AM.

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