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قسم نقاشات المانجا قسم يَختصُّ بالنقاش عن المانجا والسبويلرات

قديم 03-01-2018, 11:47 AM
الصورة الرمزية яєɒ єчэ  
رقـم العضويــة: 159685
تاريخ التسجيل: Jul 2012
المشـــاركـات: 336
نقـــاط الخبـرة: 26
افتراضي سبويلر هانتر x هانتر 376 || Hunter x Hunter 376 Spoiler

Chapter 376:

Furykov gets restraint after the incident with Camilla. So for now, Babimyna will be the one to obese room 1014.

Room 1005:
After looking at Tubeppa’s Nene Beast’s form, Butch assumes that it’s either Transmuter or Conjurer. While going to room 1014, Maor and Long are talking about the younger princes and their movements.

Room 1010:
Melody will teach Kachou how to use Nen. A nen ability from someone from the Association called “Times Square” allows them to train hidden from the rest.

Room 1011:
Fugetsu tries to replicate the situation when the door appeared. The servants are concerned that Fugetsu isn’t coming out from her room. Meanwhile, Benjamin’s private guard realizes through his EN that something happened in room 1013

Room 1013:
It’s revealed that Vergei is someone that will take a long time to master Nen. So they will take a lot of time for the training.

Room 1014:
The representatives of the princes are present. Kurapika realizes that Myuhan isn’t here anymore and asks what happened.

Danjin insists that “Someone of the name Myuhan was never here.” Babimyna realizes that Halkenburg’s two private soliders’ aura increased drastically and the room shakes.

Room 1004:
As the ship is shaking, Tserridnich’s private soldier rushes to the room, but nothing was happening. Theta who injured her cheek is staring at a Nen Beast that leaks ominous aura.


قديم 03-01-2018, 09:08 PM   #2
الصورة الرمزية яєɒ єчэ
رقـم العضويــة: 159685
تاريخ التسجيل: Jul 2012
المشـــاركـات: 336
نقـــاط الخبـرة: 26

افتراضي رد: سبويلر هانتر x هانتر 376 || Hunter x Hunter 376 Spoiler

سبويلر تفصيلي:


Security Guard My deepest apologies, but we cannot grant you audience with His Majesty. Please wait until the next banquet.
Halkenburg It will be too late by then! Why else do you think I am coming to him like this? ...At least, please pass this letter along to Father.
Benjamin's Guard Prince Halkenburg is currently negotiating with the security guard by the gate of the VVIP exclusive passageway.
Security Guard The best I can do is to pass that letter to Mr. Morishi, the grand chamberlain. I still believe it would be best if Your Highness handed it directly to the King during the next banquet...
Halkenburg I will come again tomorrow, with this letter. I will keep coming the day after, and again after that, until I get Father to meet me.

Benjamin and Camilla at trial
Camilla's guard? attorney? Prince Camilla was shot at by a private guard of the Prince Benjamin called Musse. She only retaliated in self-defense. She then pursued the fleeing Musse and was confronted by another private guard of the First Prince, Furykov, and the First Queen's family guard, Wolff. As a gun was pointed at her, she had to fire back because her life was threatened. Ipso facto, this case was entirely a matter of justified self-defense. We demand that Prince Benjamin and his soldiers hand over Musse for the attempted assassination of Prince Camilla, and we indict Prince Benjamin for giving the assassination order!
Balsamilco OBJECTION! It was clearly excessive of her to fire ten-something bullets at Prince Benjamin, who was unarmed and not fighting back! That, and we are most definitely not sheltering Musse!
Camilla's guard/attorney? We request a formal investigation of the First Prince's quarters!
Balsamilco Your Honor! We also hereby request an investigation of the Second Prince's quarters!
Cleapatro I understand. I will request the investigation of the living quarters to the national army. Until we can confirm Musse's whereabouts, both Princes shall be under custody and surveillance in the VVIP area. You can carry out security duties as usual, but if you go outside you will have to take along an observer that I shall appoint. Court is adjourned!

Balsamilco It is unfortunate that she escaped our arrest.
Benjamin It doesn't matter. Musse's owl sees through her every single move. Wherever she is and whatever she does, nothing eludes me.
A hologram of Camilla appears in front of Benjamin's eyes

Sakata I have killed three of them!! One is still inside!!
Kurapika Close the door(s) to the living room! Nobody moves!! Bill! Close the door to the bedroom and do not open it until I go there!!
Kurapika (...The culprit struck again. They attacked Myuhan as he went into the toilet. So they can gain sight and exert control from afar, is it... Probably a Manipulator...)
Oito Again!? Is everything okay!?
Bill Please, stay there. The culprit obviously targets people who do not know Nen. You are safe as long as you are with me.
Kurapika (He is completely dried up in mere ten seconds after we heard his scream...! If taken by surprise, you will most likely have no way to resist unless you know Nen...)
Sakata It has... disappeared? It's nowhere to be found! Considering its size it shouldn't have been able to escape from the vents...
Kurapika The user most likely undid his Nen... More importantly, right now we have to give explanations in the living room.

Sakata ? About what?

Kurapika Under these circumstances, I would not be surprised if there are some people who think this is a plot -- our plot. Because every single thing that has happened so far has "benefited" us. Especially since Myuhan and I had an altercation the other day.
Maor I am certain of it!! "Giving information and lectures about Nen" is just a sweet trap to lure us in!!
Satobi It must be an elaborate plot to kill us off one by one!! I did think it sounded too good to be true, but to think EVERYTHING has been a lie!!
Kurapika Please wait! Not only is our account of Nen the truth, but this is in no way any conspiracy on our part!!
Maor Is that your M.O.? You can reduce our numbers one by one if the lectures are continued, or keep your lies hidden if they are canceled! Let us contact the national army at once!! It is obvious whom the judge will side with on this matter!

Kurapika (Indeed... Their account definitely sounds more logical, and they have enough circumstantial evidence to boot...! Even if they are protected by royal privileges... in the worst case scenario both the Queen and the Prince will be arrested individually, along with the rest of us...!! I absolutely cannot let them summon the military here!! I have to convince them to continue with the lectures... no matter what!!)

Belerainte Excuse me, may I speak my mind? In the first place, don't you think it was careless of him to be peeing in the enemy territory? The first incident with Barigen was definitely an ambush. But don't you think this one is simply negligence on his part? This lecture lasts only 2 to 3 hours anyway, so shouldn't we stay thoroughly alert for that duration at least, as security guards ought to be? We are already split up into three groups, so if everyone would only look out for each other and move together, this type of Nen user can't really do a thing to us, don't you think?

Kurapika ...
Maor I have listened to and understood your opinion. However, with all due respect, we do not fully trust you members of the Hunter Association.
Belerainte Oh?
Maor There are rumors that you people are colluding to use this Succession Contest to curry favor with the inner circles of the Kakin government. As they say, there is no smoke without fire.
Belerainte Ah, I see. So you are implying that the Succession Contest is not only a battlefield for the Princes, but also a competition among the employees to climb up the proverbial ladder. Good job with the tinfoil hat. We Hunters have absolutely no interest in that. We do our best with our current assignment, and once it is over we move on to the next job.
Satobi With regard to the lecture, isn't your "current assignment" already over? You already know everything about Nen. What reason do you have to stay here and grumble at us now that Barigen is dead?
Belerainte You are aware that gathering information about other Princes' defenses is a very important task? It's my Queen's orders after all. You do realize the things you say sound like they are pulled out of a pompous ass? None of us humble and loyal servants of our Queens and Princes are kicking up a fuss about halting the lecture itself. If you wanna quit, then go quit yourself -- simple, isn't it? Can you not drag the rest of us with you?
Belerainte If you are gonna call the military, call them only for the purpose of collecting the body! If you plan to indict Queen Oito and her guards, I will indict all of you here under the very same suspicion! ...If we stop the lectures here, we will fail at our missions, the culprit will get what they want, and we will lose our chance to do something useful.

Kurapika ... As long as there is someone who wishes to continue, I would like to proceed as we are right now. The decision lies in your hands.
Kurapika Belerainte, can you come over here for a sec?
Maor and Satobi ...
Belerainte You sure about this?
Kurapika It doesn't matter. We are being suspected anyway. But thanks to you, we can continue with the lectures. I am grateful.
Belerainte You don't need to thank me. After all, there is something that I need your help with.
Kurapika ?
Belerainte Can I borrow Bill for about 10 minutes?
Kurapika ... I see... There is merit in trying that.

Belerainte Yup. It might be a one-way-communication, but as long as we can convey information over there to unit 1013... But it would be too conspicuous if I talk aloud by myself in front of the door.
Kurapika So by pretending to be chatting with Bill out there, actually you will be giving your report to those inside.
Belerainte Yes, since Hanzo being able to return to the room was a special circumstance, and I don't know if I can get back in myself.
Kurapika Isn't Prince Marayam's Nen Beast inside the empty room?
Belerainte That's what I heard. I will try to "contact" it if absolutely necessary, but for now I prefer to prioritize the world/dimension here. I will try to buy as much time to save as many Princes as possible. And to that end, the lectures must continue, so I will remain here.
Kurapika ...Just ten minutes.
Belerainte Thank you.

After the lecture, Satobe witnesses Bill and Belerainte talking in front of unit 1013

=Unit 1010=

Kacho Melody!! Come over here!!
Melody Yes!
Kacho Help me with my studies.
Melody Eh...?
Kacho What, you think it's pointless since I'm gonna die anyway?
Melody N-no, how could I-?
Kacho I get it! I get it all too well! But hey, I'm a contrarian so I actually get pumped up under these circumstances!
Kacho See, in this room, you are the next youngest after me! So you are the next closest to being a student, right?

Melody (!! ...This noise... Mosquito sounds...? ...She is using it to send me Morsse codes...!!)
Kacho So by the way, what is your best subject?
Kacho (C-a-n y-o-u h-e-a-r m-e? I-f y-e-s, a-n-s-w-e-r M-U-S-I-C)
Melody I'm not really good at studying but... If I have to say... maybe "Music?"
Kacho Ha!? Are you picking a fight with me!? Do I look like I want to study music right now!? Agh, go away, I'll study by myself!! GO!! SCRAM!!
Melody Yes... I am sorry, I will excuse myself.
Kacho (D-e-e-p u-n-d-e-r l-e-f-t c-o-r-n-e-r k-i-t-c-h-e-n c-u-p-b-o-a-r-d)

Melody searches the hinted location and finds the same toy as the one Kacho is using to produce the Mosquito sounds, along with a user manual
"Clandestine talks inaudible to adults using Mosquito sounds"
Melody (She really thought it out... all to survive... I will save her, definitely...!!)

=Unit 1003=

Zhang Lei Another one fell out of the sky this morning. At a glance, there seems to be nothing out of the ordinary with these coins. Supposing they are produced by the Nen Beast... What kind of effect would you deduce they'd have?

Coventoba There are in general two kinds of effects a conjured object may have. First, an effect which mirrors the function of an actual weapon or tool. Second, a supernatural effect only possible through Nen. As far as I have examined they appear to have no effects to objects of the same design, so it is not the former. Therefore, I think it is a catalyst that causes a supernatural effect upon the fulfilling certain conditions."
Zhang Lei ...In other words, we know nothing about it.

(Zhang Lei's Guardian Spirit Beast => A composite-type Conjurer ability. With multiple conditions come multiple abilities. The owner of the coin shall manifest various abilities by fulfilling their conditions)

Late night/early morning of Day 4 (Wednesday)
The door to the Magic Worm appears in front of Fugetsu
Fugetsu (It appeared...!! I see... this magic is a once-a-day deal! Now that I think of it, I was really exhausted after returning from the tunnel yesterday.)
Fugetsu ... (Where should I try going today...? I was lucky Ka-chin was by the exit yesterday, but it would have caused a huge uproar if the guards had seen me. ...In the first place, can we really go anywhere with this door...? If I can use it to escape this ship... Ka-chin and I should escape together...!!)

Fugetsu (I have to investigate further...! First of all, is it really only usable once a day like I'm thinking? In that case, does it only matter if it's a different date, or do 24 hours need to pass? How far can it go? Can it fit numerous people? Will a door also appear in the other places? Is it possible to change locations between entering and returning? How long will the door wait for me once it appears?)

Fugetsu (!! I don't even know if I can go back in once I exited the door...! Will I be able turn back and change the destination halfway inside the tunnel? There are so many things I have to confirm!! I can't waste even one instance...!! I should think carefully how I can investigate effectively.)
Fugetsu (First, let's confirm "whether I can re-enter from the exit" and "whether I can change the location of the entrance from the exit." I should set the exit to this very room, just in case I cannot re-enter... The destination I choose is... next to the entrance!!)

Fugetsu (...No door appears... Nothing opens, and nothing seems to have changed... Could it be a one-way-street from the entrance? Or will the exit door appear once I open the entrance door?)
Fugetsu (Let's start the investigation! With my magic... I will save Ka-chin!!)

=Unit 1004=

Tserriednich Myuhan was killed?
Danjin Yes. The culprit is a Nen user. The murderer is most likely among the 21 present in Unit 1014. So far, the acts are only carried out during the lectures, but we still can't say for sure if it's an inside job by Prince Woble's party, or if the criminal comes from outside. Should I continue participating in the lectures?
Tserriednich ... What do you think...?

Danjin A person without Nen will be out if they are targeted, but there are ways to avoid being targeted in the first place, and... From Prince Woble's side they clearly established a two-week limit for learning Nen, so regardless of whether it's the truth or a lie I think we should continue up until that point.

Tserriednich I see.
Danjin It is my subjective impression, but their bodyguard leader, that Kurapika dude, doesn't seem to be lying. The Hunter Association's goal is to guard the Princes until the New Continent... In other words, their job is done if they can prevent assassinations until then. It is completely possible that they are planning to create a stalemate by actually teaching Nen to level the playing field.
Tserriednich I mostly agree, but are you prepared if you chose to continue?
Danjin Well...

Tserriednich There is the kind of Nen users who control people, right? You know, maybe the act of "teaching" is the prerequisite for activating an ability to control people?
Theta (with a wound on her cheek) (...How frightening. With regard to one of the most important skills in Nen battles, which is to "think of every single possibility"... He is already doing so more quickly and deeply than I can. I'm afraid that even this (wound) is a prerequisite for the Prince's Guardian Beast...)
Tserriednich If you are to continue as it is... then, on the last day of the lectures, when you return here, you will need to bring me proof that you are innocent (normal/unmanipulated), regardless of whether or not the Nen learning thing was a hoax.
Danjin Understood. I intend to continue...!

Theta (Eleven days left... There is enough time...! For the Prince to learn "Zetsu"...)
Tserriednich Say, Theta-chan.
Theta Yes!
Tserriednich Shouldn't I be ready? For the water divination thingy.
Theta Not yet! If you cram needless information into your head it may be counter-productive!
Theta (Indeed... It is probably better to find out as soon as I can.)
Tserriednich No no, come on, my talent is some serious shit, right? It's okay! I don't need to be babysat like that! Let's go with the shortest route!
Theta Don't say I didn't warn you, sir...
Theta (If I know his type, I can prepare proper measures.)
Tserriednich begins the water divination. From the water in the cup emerge a large amount of bubbles and a putrid stench

Tserriednich P.U.! What the hell is that smell!?
Theta ... I have never seen anything like this, either... What on earth...
Theta (Specialization... All I can say for sure is that... it is dangerously evil...!!)

=End of Chapter=

яєɒ єчэ غير متواجد حالياً  
قديم 03-07-2018, 01:07 AM   #3
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افتراضي رد: سبويلر هانتر x هانتر 376 || Hunter x Hunter 376 Spoiler

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